Ensure the application context
Preparation of the contextual factors
This step refers to ensuring the application context for the replication of the ROBINSON concept. Firstly, is the ‘Preparation of the contextual factors that are going to assist the project, like the Business Model, the legislative framework, and the financial tools -if any-. The Business model shall include all the finance and resources allocations, the organizational plan that describes the relations between the key actors, various thorough analyses (SWOT and PEST(EL)), risk assessment scenarios in different conditions, and the co-operative structure. The co-operative structure depends on the national legislation and it may shape numerous outcomes of the ROBINSON concept replication. Legislation may also promote or exclude financial support tools that may be crucial for the implementation of the ROBINSON project. Nevertheless, financial tools shall be sought through different sources, like enlisting ROBINSON replication in the framework of national or European programs, municipal or regional financing, or even obtaining funds from loans, venture/angel capitals, or with the participation of local stakeholders.
Establishing cooperation and synergies between the involved stakeholders
‘Establishing cooperation and synergies between the involved stakeholders’ is also included in this step. As mentioned before, possible key actors may be included as stakeholders that have portion/shares in a ‘start-up’ scheme that is going to replicate and manage the ROBINSON concept. In this case, the key actors shall be tied by the context of the Business Plan, and since their role is going to be fully defined, their role and responsibilities in the scope of synergies shall have been already fulfilled. Otherwise, if any key actor is not included in a cooperative scheme, a Memorandum of Synergy may be signed or other similar actions could be taken, in order to secure the commitment and the respective roles of each stakeholder.
Formulate the monitoring and impact assessment framework of the defined solution
Moreover, since any ROBINSON replication initiative is going to be part of and in good accordance with the principles and practices of a certain concept, to ‘Formulate the monitoring and impact assessment framework of the defined solution’ is of high importance. Constant monitoring of the outcomes of a specific ROBINSON project must provide sufficient feedback to the Evidence Base Tool, so that any future replications may be fit-to-purpose in order to be efficiently implemented.
This step refers to the necessary managerial tasks aiming to ‘Ensure the application context’ of ROBINSON replication. Preparing a Business Plan, according to legislation and funding opportunities, with the simultaneous commitment of the involved stakeholders is the recipe not only for the successful replication but also for the provision of the necessary monitoring tools to control and re-evaluate each defined solution. Thus, obtaining accurate and goals-related feedback, for better future replication projects that shall be fit-to-purpose designed to achieve maximum efficiency.